I had a little down time at work this morning and reading for history of design got boring. So, naturally Illustrator just opened....funny how that always seems to happen! And here is what was created...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Monday, April 18, 2011
It's over! My art history paper was due today. I worked on it non-stop this last weekend. I think it is safe to say I really don't want to write a 10 page paper again no matter if the topic interests me or not. It was one of the biggest assignments I had this semester, well actually one of the biggest I've had in a long time. With it over it almost feels as if the semester is over, but there is a couple weeks left and couple assignments to go. One of my internships begins next Friday, eeeekk, I'm nervous, don't worry I will definitely keep you all updated!
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Vacuum Formed Letters
Over the past couple weeks in Sign & Exhibition class we were assigned a letter and had to create it out of anything with the idea of texture in mind. We then had to take it to the vacuum former and pull it out of plastic. What did we do with them then you ask? Made pangrams or sentences that use every letter of the alphabet. We may have got a lot of looks by passerby's, but it was a perfect day to be outside and make art!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011
AIGA's Portfolio 1on1
If I had to sum up my weekend in one word it would be AWESOME! It was super busy and exhausting, but such a positive and fun experience. Friday morning the van left for Minneapolis at 8am. We ended up getting there super early and with the time to kill we decided to wander the streets of the big city. We eventually headed back, got registered and had an amazing lunch provided to us by Solera Restaurant. After the welcoming announcements we split up into smaller groups and ventured to our studio tours. My group got to experience Olive and Company, Morsekode, and Spunk Design Machine. They were all very unique and gave out lots of free goodies, but Spunk Design Machine wins for their beer and brats! After everyone made it back safely, I say this because one group got stuck in an elevator, but everyone made it back eventually and the panel discussion started. I came away from the discussion with 3 pages of notes, that are just full of great advice for the future. Our group decided not to stay for the social because many of us were wore out and knew we had to be up at 5am the next morning. I woke up Saturday more nervous than I was for any job interview. My first review was at 9am, with Brandon from Sussner Design Company. He definitely calmed the nerves, it was very casual and he gave me so much positive feedback and constructive criticism that will become the basis for my new portfolio. My second review was not as helpful, he basically told me that he liked everything and that everything looked great. Well that is nice to hear, but as I was sitting there I was thinking to myself where is the criticism? and what do I need to work on? That is what I wanted to get out of the weekend and he didn't help with that. The third review was much like the first, I met with a lady who is a freelancer and so she has experience in multiple areas of design and that really helped. She too gave me great advice on how to enhance my portfolio and projects. Last but not least, I was worn out and I think she was worn out as well. The feedback started to become repetitive and it became harder to explain my work without explaining what I knew I already wanted to change about it. In between the reviews I attended a workshop and got many free samples from the French Paper Company! The day ended with a prize drawing and it was funny because majority of the students from UW-Stout walked away with something including me!!! Overall it was an amazingly beneficial weekend. I have a lot to revise and re-work, but I'm ready for the challenge of the blank page, it is exciting and I can't wait to get started!!
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Cardboard & Hot Glue All Over Again...
Most of us never wanted to see cardboard again after the cardboard animals, but here we go again, this time making letters out of cardboard. For Sign class we were assigned a letter to create and then use the vacuum former to make it out of plastic. Everyones letters will be combined in the end to make one large installation piece. I have the letter "Y" and have chose to cover mine in rubber bands! Many people have been running into some issues of their original letter getting stuck inside the plastic, I hope this doesn't happen to me. Wish me luck!!!
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